追求身外之物 is what only makes sense, por que por 內心的富足, all you need to do is change the way you view things, takes like 3 seconds. However, por 身外之物, por ejemplo, dinero, career, or social status, they take lots of tiempo, efforts and luck to progress, so of course you’ll spend time on those things. If you ever get tired of them, easy, just change the way you view life, think of your life at the cosmos level. Such an easy hack doesn’t need any time or effort, so there’s literally no point in pursuing it.

2022-10-13 comments

Actually, when we say mental health, we’re typically not just saying the state of your mind. We say work-life balance, and obviously your life is much more than what you’re thinking. Traveling, hobbies, and spending time with your significant others, including your spouse, your kids, your friends, etc., life is about enjoying the things you love. All of these experiences will be accumulated into your memory, becoming part of you. Therefor, those life experiences become a huge opportunity cost when you decide to work, to chase your TC, to chase your prestige, instead of enjoying life.

When you look back into your life, only to find out that you’ve got nothing to recall but work work work and TC chasing, you can’t be happy, even if you change your state of mind to content mode.