Welcome to my blog! This is where I collect my random thoughts.

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13-day Self Driving Trip in Iceland

I went to Iceland with my family for a 13-day self-driving trip in 2023 November. Here’s our itinerary and my review of each of the spots we went to.

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College Recap

I got into the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University in Sep 2019 and graduated in Jun 2023. There were a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, everything turned out to be okay.

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Optimizing your MacBook experience

MacOS is the best operating system for desktops, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Thankfully, there are a lot of third party apps you can install to make your experience so much better.

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LINE Internship Review

In the last year of my college life, I worked at LINE Taiwan as a backend engineer intern for a total of 10 months.

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Serving in a military hospital in Taiwan

Stupid, but chill.

Taiwanese born between 1994 to 2004 are obligated to serve in the military for 4 months (it’s 1-year for those born before 1994 and after 2004). It is divided into 2 phases: the 1-month training phase and the 3-month serving phase. My experience in the training phase can be seen here. For the 2nd phase, we are assigned to various troops all over the territory semi-randomly. Each batch of soldiers in the training phase will have lots from different sets of troops, and for some reason, the lots for ours were all troops in Taichung, which is our hometown. What was crazier was that, there was quite some lots for the military hospital, which is arguably the best place to serve the 2nd phase.

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Diary of an ROC Conscript 大兵日記

▲ authentic-style cover I made myself

Full collection of my wonderful 大兵日記.

Each conscript of the ROC military is required to write 2 entries each week, one for your thoughts about a given topic, and another as your general journal about what happened in the past week.

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Diaspora Review

Author: Greg Egan

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Tress of the Emerald Sea Review

Author: Brandon Sanderson

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Axiomatic (collection) Review

Author: Greg Egan

A collection of Greg Egan’s short science fiction stories.

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Every miniboss/boss in Sekiro I've met and how I beat them

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